Boomers to Gen Z: Inclusiveness in the Evolving Workplace

With up to four generations—Boomers to Gen Z—working side by side, today’s workplace is more diverse than ever. Each group brings its own work style, shaped by different experiences and expectations. The challenge? Creating a vibrant, inclusive work culture that keeps everyone happy and productive.

How do we bridge the gap and support everyone?

By understanding how every generation works and collaborates, identifying where their traits overlap, and creating opportunities for users to make the space their own.

Work:  Prefer in-office work to separate home and work life;  enjoy cubicles and private offices for better focus, personalization and acoustics

Communication: In-person or on the phone

Collaboration: Prefer traditional in-person collaboration within meeting or training rooms.  Respect hierarchy

Learning: Traditional classroom-based

Work: The most prominent hybrid and remote workers are comfortable in the open office and utilize phone rooms as needed

Communication: Digital communicators

Collaboration: Team-focused, Millennials are equally comfortable in person and virtual

Learning: Independent virtual learning

Work: Prefer in-office + hybrid at open workstations with storage and privacy panels.  Access to phone rooms

Communication: Traditional and comfortable with technology

Collaboration: Team-focused, flexible collaboration, whether in an enclosed room or in the open office

Learning: Traditional classroom-based or virtual

Work: The ultimate flex worker that wants to work anywhere, and everywhere

Communication: Informal digital communicators

Collaboration: Enjoy flexible, collaborative spaces

Learning: Independent virtual learning and mentorship are important

Designing for Inclusivity

Baby Boomers | The Flex Office

Today’s private offices can meet Boomer’s needs while also offering flexible support to others. With intentional furniture selection, unassigned / bookable offices can be used by all generations for private conversations or hybrid meetings.

Generation X | The Huddle

Gen X is used to an open workplace but desires supplemental spaces for private conversations—in person or virtual—and focused work. By integrating technology into these spaces, we can support hybrid work modes, promoting equity between all users.

Millennial | The Work Lounge

Highly collaborative and eager to contribute to the team, Millennials prize flexibility. A work lounge provides the opportunity to choose the work setting best suited for each task or team and promotes culture, mentorship and camaraderie.

Generation Z | The Outdoor Work Lounge

Gen Z highly values work-life balance. They expect flexibility in how and where they work while advancing their careers in meaningful ways. Creating unique in-person experiences and settings centered on wellbeing and community—indoors and outdoors—allows fluid collaboration and connection between all generations.

All Generations | Come Together

The heart of the office is centered around food and good company. The break area is where real connections happen, ideas flow, and energy recharges. More than just a spot to grab a coffee, it is a productivity engine.

Design Solution

When designing for a multi-generational office, it’s best to offer space options—quiet zones, open areas, work lounges, outdoors and tech-integrated solutions—that let employees choose what works best for them. Inclusivity isn’t one-size-fits-all; it’s about empowering everyone to use the space in ways that suit their unique work styles.

We'd love to help you design your next workplace. Let’s talk! Email us at, or call us at 650.254.1444 and ask for Meera Agrawal or Antonio Caliz.


"From Baby Boomers to Gen Z: Exploring Generational Perspectives at Work." UC Davis Graduate School of Management, 25 Sept. 2024,

"No, Millennials Will NOT Be 75% of the Workforce in 2025 (or Ever)!" LinkedIn, 16 Sept. 2019,

"5 Generations in the Workplace: How to Manage Them All." Better Up, 31 Aug. 2023,

"Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y, and Gen Z Differences Explained." Operation Technology, 3 Feb. 2024,


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