Boomers to Gen Z: Inclusiveness in the Evolving Workplace
Shelby Larios Shelby Larios

Boomers to Gen Z: Inclusiveness in the Evolving Workplace

With up to four generations sharing today’s workspaces, fostering a vibrant, inclusive work culture can be challenging. Each generation has their own work styles and experiences.

So, how do we bridge the gap and support everyone?

By understanding how every generation works and collaborates, identifying where their traits overlap, and creating opportunities for users to make the space their own.

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AP+I Design is Now a Certified Minority-Owned Business.
Shelby Larios Shelby Larios

AP+I Design is Now a Certified Minority-Owned Business.

AP+I Design is excited to announce our national certification as a Minority-Owned Business by the Western Regional Minority Supplier Development Council, WRMSDC—a regional certifier affiliated with the National Minority Supplier Development Council.

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AP+I Design’s HQ leads the way with its Zero Net Energy building!
Shelby Larios Shelby Larios

AP+I Design’s HQ leads the way with its Zero Net Energy building!

At AP+I Design, sustainable and healthful design is literally what we live! In 2015, as part of an overall commitment to conservation and creating spaces that can sit lightly on our world, AP+I designed and built our own new home to be a Zero Net Energy, water-conserving haven that would provide access to natural light and fresh air for all our staff.

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Shelby Larios Shelby Larios


We developed an after-school program called ID4-ME, Interior Design for Me, with the goal of diversifying our profession by sharing knowledge and expertise about the practice of Interior Design as a career option to young students, specifically to students of color within disadvantaged communities. 

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