Gen Digital | Toronto

Formerly Symantec Corporation

Branded Security

NortonLifeLock's Toronto office needed a makeover to align with modern workplace standards and reflect the company's mission-driven culture. AP+I Design crafted a space that capitalized on expansive windows and views while ensuring privacy and focus. The renovation was executed in two phases, allowing employees to work seamlessly throughout.

Drawing inspiration from NortonLifeLock’s guidelines, AP+I infused the design with materials and graphics that echo Toronto’s vibrant energy. The integration of brand colors with a robust interiors palette created an urban, industrial feel. Custom wallpapers featuring local architectural motifs, company values, and icons tied the space together, ensuring a cohesive brand experience across both phases of construction.

Location Toronto, Canada
Square Footage  38,000 SF
Completion Date  June 2018
General Contractor Govan Brown + Associates Limited
Scope Interior Architecture + Environmental Graphic Design
Photographer  Scott Norsworthy


Gen Digital | San Francisco


Confidential Client 3