
A Vibrant Infusion

AP+I Design partnered with the existing architectural firm to create an overarching environmental graphic design program that would thematically integrate Workday’s culture into the sophisticated interior palette.

To evoke a sense of escapism and vibrant energy, AP+I’s Experiential Graphic Design team envisioned a Tropical Regions theme. The ground floor features abstract wave patterns and nods to global surf spots, while the upper floors showcase geometric interpretations of Mexico, Indonesia, Hawaii, and the Caribbean. These elements capture Workday’s bold and quirky culture, with conference rooms named after regional foods, dances, and landmarks.

Employees are encouraged to personalize their environment by adding photos to wall installations and customizing artistic focal walls. A cohesive signage and wayfinding program integrates the brand with the interior design, blending individuality with campus-wide consistency.

Location  Pleasanton, CA
Square Footage  200,000 SF
Completion Date  May 2018
General Contractor  Skyline Construction
Scope Environmental Graphic Design + Branded Environments + Interior Wayfinding
Photographer  John Sutton




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